Friday, February 5, 2010

Feeling Crampy...

Yes, you read the title right. I woke up this morning with a mild low back ache and a crampy feeling in my lower uterus area. I constantly feel like I have to go to the bathroom (not in a UTI kind of way) as in there is downward pressure there. I don't think I am having contractions, but I know that low back pain and crampy feelings can be the first signs of labour. My discharge this morning was pinkish so of course I was wondering what "bloody show" looked like - was that was I was seeing in the toilet?

How do I feel about it? Nervous...tinged with a little excitement. I had butterflies when I realized this morning what I was feeling. I do want to meet our girls but at the risk of repeating myself over and over again, I just want to take them as close to term as possible. I had high hopes of taking them another 2 weeks but given the way I'm feeling right now, I'm not sure.

So here's a list of silly labour related questions that I was hesitant to put out there but will now just for the fun of it. You don't have to answer as some are really personal but I'm just curious:

1. How did you groom yourself "down there"?
2. Did you bother shaving your legs?
3. Did any of you worry about having a BM while pushing or did enough time pass so you didn't have to worry about having one?
4. Can I really be in labour given the silly questions I'm asking above??

So I wait...33w6d today.


lastchanceivf said...

Well, I can't answer any of the questions you put forth, but I will say that I'm hoping for you to hang on a couple of more weeks! But if not, I know you're in a top notch facility and all will receive top notch care.

Hang in there and please keep us updated!!!

Meant to be a mom said...

HA, your so funny. You could totally be in early labor. I would have the doc confirm whats going on, who really knows for sure???

As far as grooming, I shaved clean down below. And Yes since I was induced I shaved my legs that morning.
Ha the Poo question. I asked my doctor the day we got the induction date if I could have a bowel movement. He of course laughed at me and said "yes but its not very common". He told me not to worry. Literally as I'm pushing, I of course couldn't feel a thing, I didn't even know if I was pushing, HA! I asked him. "So uh I didn't ya know, go to the bathroom did I"? He seriously laughed out loud during my labor. He says "no, your good". I was so worried. Not about the doctor, but about my husband seeing me go poo. Eww thats not a very pretty image for him to see.

I can't wait to hear an update on you. My prayers are with you guys!

Kate said...

Haven't given birth yet, but I'm not going to shave the pubes at all. I never do. They might get trimmed a little if I can get around the belly to do it, if not, oh well. Shaved legs may or may not happen. Depends if I have time after I finish unpacking after the move. Having done OB rotations and delivered babies, I'd say don't worry about either. Lots of women show up unshaven. And lots of immigrants have unshaven armpits and very hairy legs.
Having a BM while pushing - could happen, is not at all uncommon. No one cares. It's not massive quantities that come out, and the nurses or doctors will discretely wipe whatever there is away and put a sterile towel on top of it. It's absolutely expected, and if they were going to be offended by it, I imagine they'd have every woman in labour go get an enema before delivering like in the olden days.
Don't stress about any of this. You probably won't care much at that point anyhow - you'll just want to meet your babies and get them the heck out of you!

Unknown said...

I shaved it clean down below, and shaved my legs that morning. I was induced at 6 am. I was worried about pooping as well, but once you have the epidural and you are pushing you do not even think about it. I didn't poo on the table though :).

Sarah said...

Good luck with everything. I shaved my legs but go natural elsewheres. I think it is pretty common to have a poo while giving birth and is really no big deal. I know some people who did and some people who didnt. I did but didn't know I was doing it. I had to get that giant baby out somehow and pushing with all my might was the only way!
The midwife just casually mentioned something like 'and now were just cleaning this poo out of the way' or something like that. My husband wasn't down that end but at that stage you don't really care who is watching.,

Linda said...

I can understand your feelings. If you do go into labor now, I'm sure your precious darlings will be in the best of hands, especially with the medical technology these days. I'm so excited for you! When the time is right, you're going to have your precious miracles in your arms! :)

My answers to your questions:
I had planned on a vaginal birth but it didn't work out that way. However, even if I could groom myself, I couldn't see past my belly (41 inches) to do so safely.
I was prepped by the nurse before they brought me into the OR.

As I got closer to the due date, I asked my OB all sorts of questions, especially about having a BM during pushing. She said that some do have a BM during pushing but that they take care of it right away, no need to be embarassed because they've seen it all before.

I'll be thinking about you...

Jill M. said...

HAAA, I have those same questions! So while I don't have the answers, I will tell you what I hope I have time for when my time comes. I hope to have my legs/pits shaved and my pubic area just trimmed. When time gets closer, I will be training Kerry how to do all of this! Oh yeah, and I'll make him poo-watchman during labor!

I know we worry about this before labor, but I've heard when you're actually in labor, you don't care about any of this.

Hoping your babes stay safely put for another 2 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Holding my breath for you...! I keep checking back to see and am hoping that no news is good news!

As for your questions -
I'm au naturale ... figure the OB doesn't care and has seen it all!
But I have to have clean shaven legs to feel like a human being (and normally I shave every day). When on hospital bedrest DH shaved my legs (true love)... he always complained that the knees were a bit difficult, but he never nicked me. He also shampooed my hair every Friday (the celebration for making it another week).

When the time comes... Hope you have a wonderfully clean labor! :)


Lost in Space said...

So I know I am late to this post and hope your girls are still all snuggled tight inside!!

Looking forward to your next update!

Kris said...

Love the questions! I, too, wondered about the grooming part:) With my c-section if you don't shave "down there" they do it at the incision site.

I am wondering if you had your little girls over the weekend? Please update again when you can!