Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bleeding has stopped!

The spotting/bleeding finally stopped on Wednesday this week. Phew! However, that doesn't stop me from checking every time I go to the bathroom. I have been so careful not to twist or lift anything heavy. I still had some spotting last weekend and on Tuesday, I went into my old clinic to get some b/w done and begged and pleaded for a second u/s. We saw the babies again and they were measuring right where they should have been - 7w3d so everything is looking good so far. I still have not gotten an u/s picture but I figured that they made a special accomodation to get me in for an u/s and I'm not even a patient there anymore so I'll take the u/s and get the picture later.

Did you know that you're not supposed to do acupuncture in the 1st trimester? I told my nurse I was continuing to do acupuncture and she asked me to stop b/c it could exacerbate the bleeding! I didn't know that - I figured it was good pre so it must be good post too so that the kiddos are getting enough nutrients and everything else they need from me. My issue is blood stagnation as well so I figure it can't be a bad thing to keep everything moving. My TCM is very careful in that she doesn't do any abdominal points and she is not stimulating me at all...just keeping the channels open and everything moving. I'm still going to go, but maybe every 2 weeks instead of once a week.

In terms of how I'm feeling, I am 8w1d today and my body is still figuring things out. I'm not nauseated but I have an extremely sensitive gag reflex. Food is sitting a bit high with me. Smells are bothering me a lot. I guess there's not a lot of room down there where my stomach used to be and my uterus is pushing everything around. I feel like my food sits around lung level, between the bottom of my lungs and the base of my throat. Week 6 saw me completely unable to eat meat. Even the thought of putting meat into my mouth was enough to make me gag. That is so strange for me because I am a complete meat eater but it completely turns me off right now.

Week 7 saw the gagging abate a tiny bit but it's still there. We were walking through the grocery store yesterday and I swung a little too close to the fresh meat counter and promptly gagged so I had to scuttled away quickly to hide in the pharmaceutical section. I know it's important to eat protein but I've had to look to other non-meat sources. I actually was able to get a little meat down yesterday but I had to hide it under a layer of vegetables and condiments. I actually broke out into a Joey Tribbiani "meat sweat" and my face was covered in fine prespiration when I was done but I got it down and I feel better for having had the protein. I dislike the whey protein shakes because they always upset my stomach (I think whey is a form of dairy and I'm lactose intolerant) so I've been drinking my lactose free milk, eating my lactose free yogurt and chowing down on the tofu.

My DH is so cute when I have one of my little gagging spells. He says that it's the twins' way of saying hello and has even gone as far as to say in a very high falsetto "Hi Mommy!" when I start gagging, coughing and turning green. I have to laugh when he does it! I don't mind the gagging, honestly - it confirms that there is still something going on down there so every gag is a little reassurance in my books!

I'm still searching for an OB/GYN who specializes in high risk pregnancies. The first one my family doctor referred me to was highly recommended but she wouldn't see me until 20 weeks which I think is way too far into the pregnancy, especially since there is more than one involved here. She is also not affiliated with a hospital that has a neo-natal intensive care unit since the hospital is not downtown Toronto, so we ended up rejecting that referral. The second doctor we were recommended to actually got more lousy reviews than good reviews so we nixed her as well. The third doctor we tried was full and not accepting any more patients. So, we are now trying to get in with the guru of all high risk pregnancies here in Toronto but I haven't heard yet if he will take us or not. We shall see but I need to find someone soon so we can do the 10-11 week check. Who knew that finding an OB would be this hard?

I've been sleeping A LOT lately too. I'm a 7 hours a night kind of girl and even if I napped in the past, I would feel terrible for the rest of the day and then only sleep a little at night. In comparison, for the past few days, I've been napping for about 3 hours in the afternoon and then heading to bed by 8pm to sleep until 7am the next morning. Crazy! I know they say that the exertion your body is going through is akin to climbing a very, very tall mountain but I have never slept so much in my life! I also get tired very easily so a quick trip to the grocery store is all I can more running multiple errands in one shot.

It's so interesting to watch all of these changes and to be aware of them as we progress along. My body is definitely changing. We've also started to wean off the meds (yay!) and my E2 is still >2000 and my P4 is >50 so things are looking good. No bleeding, weaning off the meds, hungry and tired most of the's all good!


ME! said...

I am so glad the bleeding has stopped! That is wonderful! Funny about the babies channeling your husband to say Hi Mommy with your gagging. That is so cute. :)

I am happy for you girlfriend!

Jill M. said...

Wahoo on the bleeding stopping and the u/s showing 2 perfect American babies! I think I'll spend the rest of my life checking the toilet paper, it's become a part of me, lol.

Yikes, that's scary about the acup in the 1st tri, I'm so glad all is well regardless.

It's crazy what pg does to our bodies. That's is hilarious about your dh saying "hi mommy"!

Thanks for your long comment on my blog, I appreciate it! =)

Sue said...

Sounds great! I'm so impressed you aren't fully nauseous...hopefully things stay that way (a little dry heave to reassure and you get to keep all your food down is perfect!). Congrats on seeing your little ones again!

JJ said...

So glad your bleeding has stopped. Interesting about the acu. I was told my Dr Sch that they don't recommend it after you're pregnant so I never did it, even though I was tempted with all my sickness. My practitionaer told me she cd make me feel better. Your DH is funny!

DAVs said...

I'm so sorry to be so late to this entry!!
I'm so glad the bleeding stopped. That is really interesting about the acu, but good to know.
Did you find out if yours are identical or fraternal? Or when do you find that out? Clearly I'm not experienced in this regard :)
Your DH is so funny about the babies saying hi!!

Meant to be a mom said...

I'm glad the bleeding stopped. And your 8 weeks that is a milestone YAY!

As far as the recommended doctor goes, 20 weeks seems awfully far into the pregnancy to "start" seeing someone that's high risk. I think that's just not right. I saw my doc it seems like 20 times before 20 weeks. (a little exaggeration) and I'm not considered high risk. I hope your able to figure one out that works good for you guys.

By the way the gagging, saying hi thing was so cute and funny. I don't even know you guys and I can just imagine a man sitting there with you in a little high pitch voice saying "HI MOMMY".
Too cute.

JJ said...

Hey there, just wanted to respond to your question on my blog. Yes, I was totally paranoid about the weight gain in the first tri! Not only did I not gain anything, but I lost 8lbs. Once I got to about 13-14 weeks my appetite really picked up and I was sick less often. During week 14 I went on a business trip and had three helping of eggs and potatoes at breakfast; uh-oh. And it's continued like that; I'm eating healthily for the most part (icecream is the exception) and the weight has come on quite easily. I think you will have the same experience. It's really hard to see how you can gain as much weight as is recommended, but it seems to work. I've not stuck to the exact food group recommendations in Dr Luke's book (too much for me), but nevertheless it seems to be ok. I hope you start feeling alot better soon. xxxx