Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Graduation Day & The Big Reveal

I've been slacking I admit. I owe a few big updates so here goes.

Last Friday, I officially graduated from CCRM. I had my blood drawn for the very last time at my local clinic (the very first IF clinic I ever went to 6 long years ago), gave out Thank You cards and gifts to the nurses who had helped me along the way and then waited for the last phone call from my nurse at CCRM. My Estrogen was still off the charts and my progesterone was still way higher than it needed to be. My nurse and I spoke, she congratulated us and I said some very heartfelt "thank yous" to her. Last few times I was in Denver, I had written her a few cards and given her a few gifts since I knew I would not have the opportunity to pass something along to her in person at a later date.

I think in today's world, there are so many instances where people hear about the bad rather than the good and I wanted to make sure that I took the time to thank all the people who helped us along the way. The nurses at CCRM, the nurses at MFC, my TCM doctor and acupuncturist, the drugstore that offers a program for IVF patients that sells the meds without a markup, my family doctor who wrote out all of my scripts from CCRM without a word, my hypnotherapist, my therapist, the TCM doctor in Denver who did my acupuncture while I was cycling...there are so many people who helped us along the way and made Graduation Day possible. There are many who have refused to help us along the way but there were enough people who agreed to help us that made today possible.

And of course, there are all of you, my tangible yet intangible support system of fellow bloggers, fellow IVFers, fellow IFs, fellow CCRMers. There has been so much that I have learned from all of you and your combined insights have prompted me to ask better questions and to demand better treatment. I am so grateful to have found you all and all of your comments, support and words of encouragement have picked me up on some of my darkest days and spoke to my heart when it felt like most people around me couldn't hear me. If I haven't said this before, I am so thankful for all of you and I would hug you all and shower you with the gratitutde in my heart if I could. I only hope that I offer the same support to others that you all have given to me. YOU made a difference to me and for that I say a very sincere and heart felt "THANKS!!".

This coming Saturday, I will be 12 weeks. We are three days away from making it past the scary first trimester. I have to admit that everytime I go to the washroom, I check my underwear to make sure that I am still pregnant. Of course, there is the constant presence of the morning sickness to serve as a reminder that hormones are still high so logically speaking, something must still be going on down there to be generating all of those hormones right?

This past week, we finally started telling people the news. We started with my parents as they are leaving on Friday on a trip for 3 weeks and I just couldn't wait until they got back to tell them. I hope that I will be showing by that point and putting on some decent weight so it would have been a real shock to them to come home to a pregnant me. My parents were pretty surprised when we told them - after all, we have been married the longest and are the only ones without children. I think they had given up on us ever making "the announcement". More to talk about here with this reveal (there's a strong chance they will not be here for the birth and a lot of prying questions about how we got pregnant) but I'll save that for another post.

My second reveal was to my boss and her boss at work. We have a busy time coming up and there was a request for me to be out at an offsite location over an hour away for 8:30am which was not going to happen given my intense morning sickness. It was so strange to tell people - in a good way of course - but kind of scary since I am not yet technically out of the first trimester. I had to tell them so we could make other arrangements. I guess this gets easier and easier and it will once I begin to really show. Right now I'm just a little chubby :).

Symptom wise, I'm hoping that the nausea will disappear on Saturday right at the 12 week mark but just in case it doesn't, I am going to the doctor's tomorrow to get a prescription for the Zofran. I've had some pretty rough days but then I've had some okay days as well. I have a little paunch going on that is pretty small in the morning and then grows to a decent size by the end of the day but nothing too noticeable yet. I think because my uterus is tipped backwards, when I eat during the day, it pushes the uterus out. I have a disappearing/reappearing belly! I'm still at a net loss of 4 pounds and I really need to start putting on the weight. I am nauseated every morning, my sense of smell is really acute (poor DH has had to eat dinner by himself many nights) and by dinnertime, I am nauseated again or have no appetite. Meat still needs to be hidden so I can eat it. However, all these symptoms are good things because it confirms that something is still going on.

Three more days and counting!


Kris said...

COngrats on graduating from CCRM and for smooth sailing, except for that yucky morning sickness. I am so glad you had the opportunity to tell your parents before they left town:)

Jill M. said...

Wow, almost 12 weeks already?? Where did the time go? Congrats on graduating. I see you changed the title of your blog... can't wait to hear more updates on your two miracles to come!

Sue said...

Yay! Congratulations on graduation day! I did the "thank you" card thing too...for the same reason. I wanted everyone to know how much I valued their help through all that we've been through. We've been very lucky.

I'm curious about your parents but hope that it isn't something too bad...or that you don't let it affect you. This is the beautiful roller coaster that we've been fighting to get on! Congrats and I hope you feel better soon.

Kate said...

Congrats on nearing T2! Will be interested to hear what your parents had to say and how you responded. And I'm glad that work is being accomodating. Good luck getting more food into yourself!

JJ said...

Congrats on getting here!!!

Meant to be a mom said...

Its so exciting that your so close to being in the safe zone. Congrats. I sure hope your morning sickness does start to go away soon.
I am curious about your parents as well as the other readers. Hopefully all is ok.
You've come so far already, the rest of your pregnancy is going to fly by. Enjoy every second of it.

DAVs said...

What a post full of so much excitement and milestones! From telling people to graduating...awwwww, so much fun for you! I hope you feel better starting right on the first day of the second trimester :)

elliej said...

Ah bless. Am so happy for you and am having goose pimples writing this. It's so good for those of us in the trenches to read a post like yours - I know that the path has in no way been linear for you, like for the rest of us. Good for you with all the cards. And yes I so love the TCM doctor you're referring to in Denver the details of which you gave me. She is a very special lady. Looking forward to hearing about your nausea subsiding. BTW it's no one's business but yours how you got pregnant - tell them you got jiggy after watching America's Got Talent - was that on when you got pregnant?? - that Piers Morgan really does it for you