Monday, October 5, 2009

Sue - This Post is For YOU!

I wanted to make sure I answered your question about the weight gain and I have to clarify that I am referencing a book written by Dr. Barbara Luke and her research pertains to twins, triplets & quad pregnancies. I should have been more clear when I wrote my prior post so I apologize for any confusion or worry I may have caused you - not my intention at all.

Anyway, here goes with what she says pertaining to multiple gestations. She says that the pattern of weight gain matters and that weight gain up to 28 weeks has the greatest influence on growth rate. I guess her research on twin pregnancies has shown her that weight gain before 28 weeks is correlated to weight gain after 28 weeks - the more you put on prior to 28 weeks the more you can put on after 28 weeks, or so I understand it. She also makes the point that the babies takes up more and more room as the pregnancy progresses so your stomach is squished leaving less room for food. Also, she thinks that the increased appetite at the beginning is to facilitate fat stores that will also help to provide nutrition to the babies later on when you can't eat as much.

Reference: "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads" by Dr. Lu.k.e & Ta.mar.a, copyright 2004, HarperCollins, pg 59-60.

That being said though, I have to take what she says with a grain of salt. I was so sick in the 1st trimester and unable to eat...her weight gain goal for someone like me (first pregnancy, from IVF, twins) at the 16 week point is something like 30 lbs!!! BTW, I just noticed another chart on page 60 where she says that the optimal weight gain for a singleton pregnancy by the 20 week mark is 12 lbs - you've gained 10 so you're really close!

Anyway, that's what I was talking about in my other post. Sorry again for any worry!


Sue said...

Thank you:-) That makes me feel better. I've heard great things about that book from other twin and triplet mommies! I've heard a few women say that they were very sick in the first trimester and still gained about 25 by 18-19 weeks so you never could still reach that goal (lol, start eating!!!) But, that is easier said than done - With my singleton, I just haven't been that great on putting on weight yet and was hoping to get very hungry soon, lol. I'm eating healthy and still working out and not really worrying about it...but I'm sure it will start to increase soon. Thanks for posting an answer!!!! I am so glad you are feeling better!

JJ said...

KayJay, I've been following Dr Luke's weight gain advice for twins as well. I lost 8lbs in the first trimester so I had a steep road after that. I had gained the requisite 25lbs by week 20, in fact I'd gained that much about ten days earlier. Woops. She wants a 38lb gain by week 28, I'm a week off that and already over 40lbs in weight gain. Yikes. I am slowing down now. I have felt nauseous almost constantly since week 5, though after week 13 a bit better and at least able to function. In order to add some easy calories, I added a glass of milk with ovaltine powder each evening (I took my prenatals with it). I think that helped me to gain the weight. I have to say that, even though I've definitely filled out, I don't feel like I look 40lbs heavier - I think Dr Luke is right, the weight gain goes to the babies and helps them stay in the womb longer (hope that will be the case anyway). Our babies were measuring big last time we had an ultrasound so it seems true. Our next measurements are this Thursday so we will see what they're doing now. My gain really only started after week 13 but took off between 16 and 20....

Kris said...

I have the Dr Luke book too, but some of it is really unobtainable. For example, drinking 128oz of water a day and a quart of milk each day is really difficult. My OB said not to drink more than 100oz/day because you don't want to deplete the sodium and potassium in your system and you don't want to flush all of the nutrients you are eating. Not saying Dr Luke is wrong....but just food for thought- pun intended!!:)

KJ- Thanks so much for the comment on my blog the other day. I read it a couple of times and it made me smile. Thank you so much!

Kris said...

Oh, I was going to say too that I gained 8 pounds from week 20-23 (although I think at least half of this is fluid retention). But when the babies were measured one had gained 7oz in that three weeks and the other had gained 8oz in that three weeks. I do agree that a lot of it goes to the babies. Like JJ said, I have gained 30 pounds, but I don't feel like I have gained that much and most of it is in my belly, my and fluid retention throughout my body.