Monday, December 15, 2008

Does God Forget About Some of Us?

NOTE: This post is not meant to offend anyone who is religious. Please do not read it if you feel that there is a chance that you may be offended. What follows is simply my struggle to understand what is happening and an attempt to make some sense out of it in light of my own religious beliefs.

With the holidays fast approaching, I have been feeding myself on a steady diet of Christmas carols, Christmas trees and Christmas decorations in a vain attempt to get myself in the holiday spirit.

So far, it hasn't worked.

I find myself even less in the holiday spirit this year than ever. This is the first year that I have not felt like decorating my home and filling it to the brim with Christmas cheer. With each passing Christmas, I struggle more and more to make sense of this all and to find meaning or rather, to GIVE our continual struggles meaning. We listen to countless carol after carol that sing about the the goodness and greatness of God and how kind and loving he is (for the sake of simplicity, I will simply refer to God in the masculine). But where do we find God in our darkest days? When he is supposed to be carrying us, why does it feel that we are stumbling around, all alone? Is he too busy doling out blessings and happiness to a chosen few and simply forgets about the rest of us?

I am not a "fair weather" Christian. In fact, I was very steadfast and strong in my religious beliefs up until a short time ago. I was very active in my church and participated in running fundraisers, sang in the choir, served as an alter girl, played the pipe organ for the service, raised money and even sat on the Advisory Board for years as the Treasurer. I tried to implement the teachings of the Bible into my life and although I've stumbled many times, I always tried to be a good person. Then, along came IF and it has shaken my beliefs to the very core. I find my self questioning everything in attempt to find an answer. My answer. The answer from God to my fervent prayers.

Was I not devout enough? Am I such a huge sinner that God cannot forgive me? But he promised redemption for those who have I not repented enough? Am I not worthy of his love? Is this a punishment for something I did/did not do? Is this his way of telling me that I would be a terrible parent so he won't entrust a baby into my care? But then why, oh why, are the drug addicts and sexual abusers of this world entrusted with the lives of so many innocents over and over again? Surely I could do better than they would? Was I not positive enough? Optimistic enough? Dedicated enough? And why dear Lord did you give us the incredible gift of a baby for 8 short weeks and then rip it away? Was it a test to see how much pain we could bear?

In the beginning, I prayed all the time. I was pretty specific too. I prayed for our baby. I prayed and prayed until we had to acknowledge that we had a problem and went to seen a specialist that was supposed to help us. Then I prayed that the Clomid would work and double our chances of conception. After that, I prayed that the IUI would help sperm meet egg so they could make their magic together. As our last ditch attempt, we pulled out the big guns and I prayed that the IVF would work and one finally did...but then it didn't. We knew after just one short week that our pregnancy was in trouble and then we really PRAYED, both of us, down on our knees, for God to help us. But I still miscarried and then I was really in trouble. How could I explain this to my DH when I couldn't even make sense of this myself? How could I justify this as God's loving kindness upon us when it seemed so cold and heartless?

But I continued to pray after that. I thought that my prayers had been too self-centered and needed to ask not for myself but for those around me. You see, in this journey, I have met some of the strongest women who have endured far more that I. I started to pray for successful outcomes for them and not myself because if I was so undeserving, perhaps the better approach would be to pray for another. Maybe God would listen to those prayers and remember them, even as he forgot about me. I watched as some saw their struggles end in the joy of becoming parents. I watched as more continued to walk by my side, every bit as deserving as I, if not more. After more time passed, I started to give up because it felt like God had given up on me. My prayers were falling on deaf ears. I began to simply pray for understanding. More time passed. I still didn't understand. Then I prayed for acceptance. Give me an accepting heart so that I can start to live this gift of life again rather than remain in limbo for any longer. But I couldn't accept that this was what was intended for us. The last thing I prayed for was comfort. If nothing else, I wanted to feel God's love. I wanted a little slice of the peace pie so that my heart could begin to heal. The only thing I got in return was stone cold silence.

I understand that God is not a vending machine full of prayers answered to our liking and sometimes the answer is simply "no". But if the answer is "no" than why does my heart ache so badly? Why can I not give up on this quest to bring a baby into our family?

So I stopped going to church. I stopped praying. I stopped asking for help because none was forthcoming other than the help that I found myself. I am struggling to find my faith in this whole mess. Am I alone here? Has anyone else experienced a loss of faith because of IF? Anyone ever get it back again?

If anyone has a direct line to God, can you please ask him why he won't answer my prayers? Thanks.


Linda said...

I don't have any answers for you, as I'm still asking those very same questions. :( I am so sorry you're going through this. Sending you a cyber hug...

Anonymous said...


I am known as Judah03 on ivfconnections. I SO can identify with ALOT of what you have written about your struggles with trying to keep the faith through the struggle with IF. I too no longer go to church (this struggle is part of the reason, but I've also had some issues with the church I used to attend).

Anyway, I still pray - but not as much - and encourage my sister and close friends to pray for me because many times I just don't have the will to do so.

As for where God is in this journey - I don't know - I don't know. I read a chapter in a book recently "IF:Finding God's Peace through the journey" - wherein the author talked about feeling blessed despite IF. She also said that each of us is on our own journey. You will only become who you are meant to become and learn the lessons you are supposed to learn BECAUSE of your IF journey. For some reason that did give me some peace. Several of the books chapters were very good (the author had endured IF as well)however, I didn't exactly agree with her views on IVF....maybe you can look the book up.

As for Christmas - 'bah, humbug'. I am SO not into Christmas this year. If I do anything it WILL be to go to church - but all that decoration, celebrating, presents etc - count me out.

Take Care.

DAVs said...

Oh man, this post is so heartbreaking. I wish I had answers, but I am still struggling with this myself. I have decided that God is simply not in the details of some of this, because if He is, then I disagree with how he's handling it (!)..I mean, crack addicts and child abusers but not us? Makes no sense.

And I'm sorry the whole "faking it" with the Christmas stuff isn't working for you...I wish I could give you a real hug in person :)

kayjay said...

Thanks ladies for all of your comments. It helps me to know that I am not the only one struggling with this aspect of IF and faith. It has been a tremendous help to get these questions and feelings out of my head and in a sense, it has allowed me to let this all go, which is good!

Judah - I stopped going to church because I would make a spectacle out of myself, sitting at the back of the church and crying. Also, seeing all the little children and their cherubic faces was getting to be too much for me week after week. I have found more peace being at home with my DH and so that is where I've decided I need to be right now. Maybe someday we'll find our way back but for now, this is what feels right for us. Thanks for the book rec - I will look it up and give it a read.

Linda and Davs - thanks for the hugs...right back at ya!

Anonymous said...

WOW..WOW I cant believe how alike we sound as far as reaching out to God,I've asked so many times why put the desire in my heart if I'm not supposed to be a mother,I've also tried changing the way i pray as in asking for acceptance and strength if this is not part of his plan for me,and like you all I've gotten is cold silence.

All i can tell you is even though i don't pray as often as i used to,i still pray...i still "need" to believe that he hears me and that i will get my hearts desire one day soon

I turn 43 next year and have only been pregnant once in my life but miscarried at 9wks.This is without a doubt the most difficult thing for any woman to endure but i have to believe that we will all either get our hearts desire or be given the strength to accept. HUGS