Sunday, January 17, 2010

Admitted to the Hospital

Before I get into the gory details, I have been admitted to the hospital and I am still pregnant...for now. This is not related to the spotting that I had last week but something new. Read on...

Friday night at 6:30pm, I felt a little gush of what I thought was a little heavier than usual discharge. Well, I soaked through the pantyliner and then rushed upstairs to consult the pregnancy "bible" and to put on another pantyliner. Was I leaking amniotic fluid? How does one tell? I had just started eating dinner as I waited for my DH to return from work so I sat back down and started eating again...only to feel a few stronger gushes of fluid. I went and sat on the toilet at which point a few big gushes came out. Then it hit me...this was just way too much fluid to be a leak. Did my water just break???

I was freaking out. We were nowhere near being ready for the babies to come. They were just 1 day shy of 31 weeks and while the prognosis is excellent at this point, it would still be best for them to stay inside for a few more weeks. I have always kept my eye on the end goal of 37 weeks if not 38 weeks and I couldn't fathom having them so early. I was crying uncontrollably at this point, panicking that we would lose one or both of them and really feeling that this was not the right time for them to arrive.

My DH walked in the door and I immediately told him that we needed to go to the hospital as my water had broken. Not the first thing he expected to hear arriving home from work. I was terrified that this meant that we would be delivering that night - once your water breaks, I thought you immediately went into hard labour and that there was no turning back. Thankfully, I would learn that this assumption was wrong.

We arrived at triage where the nurses and doctors calmly checked me out. I was still gushing fluid at this point, the same sort of thing like when you have a period. Nothing comes out until you move and then whoosh - out it all comes. The good thing was that the fluid was always clear because if one of the babies was in distress, it may have passed its stool into the amniotic fluid and then it would no longer be clear and I would probably have been rushed into an emergency c-section at that point. Clear fluid was a good sign.

After a quick ultrasound, it was determined that the membrane hadn't fully ruptured but there was a tear somewhere and that was where the leak was coming from. The sack that tore was little Righty's sack - she's the one that likes to wedge herself right on top of my ribs and her sack was always a little bigger than Lefty's. Lefty's sack was still intact and there was still a good amount of fluid around both. I received the steroid injections to help mature their lungs just in case they did decide to make an early appearance into this world and then I was admitted.

I'll be in the hospital for the duration of my pregnancy. I was told that if I were to go into pre-term labour, it would likely be within the first 24-48 hours after the rupture and after that time, the risk drops off. We're 2 1/2 hours away from he 48 hour mark after which I will breathe much easier. I have not be confined to strict bed rest so I can get up and walk around the floor, which I do at a very slow pace. Every little twinge, every little twang, every little muscle ache or soreness I examine in minute detail to try and figure out whether or not it was a contraction or just a Braxton Hicks or round ligament pains.

I just want my babies to be okay and although they have an excellent prognosis being born at 31 weeks, it didn't feel like the right time for them to arrive. Somehow it feels too early. I am still hoping to carry them for another 6 weeks but every additional day we are grateful for. Please girls, stay inside for a little while longer okay?


The Turner family said...

Prayers are headed your way!!

Angie said...

Ditto! You will be in my prayers!

Soko's Journey to Parenthood said...

Hang in there and know you are in good hands right now. I will keep all of you in our prayers until those little miracles come into this world. Take it easy and try your best to relax the best you can. I know it's easier said than done but if you can find a way to relax it will work wonders for you :)

Take care. Can't wait for the big day :) YAAAAA

lastchanceivf said...

Oh man! I am so sorry for this scare, but I'm glad you're being monitored so carefully. I hope the weeks go by in the hospital uneventfully and you can just rest rest rest! I did a stint (albeit a brief one) in antepartum and I always felt bad for the bed rest mommas-to-be. I hope your DH and all your local friends pamper the heck out of you! If I were there, you know I'd come visit :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - I'm so sorry for the massive scare and that you have to hang in there like this! As you said, 31 weeks is excellent (I have one to prove it!). And being in the hospital is really the best place for you and your babies to help you achieve more days and weeks. I hope they have a nice antepartum wing? A private room? You are going to do great... hang in there! Each additional day is a small victory. Thinking of you...


Kate said...

Oh gosh, you've had some major stuff going on recently!
Here's hoping the babies stay inside for at least another couple of weeks. But being past 31 weeks, especially with twins and the steroids on board, means that although they'll need a little support initially, there shouldn't be much risk of long-term consequences of prematurity at this point, from everything I've read.
One woman who became pg with twins via IVF who I met on fertility friend years ago had twin A's water break at some crazy early gestation like 13-14 weeks. She was told to terminate, but didn't. And she managed to carry both babies for another 12-13 weeks after that, though twin A had had zero fluid for so long that his lungs were just too underdeveloped to survive. That sure won't be the case with your babies. The other twin is doing pretty well for a 25 weeker. She just refused to let anyone go near her vagina with anything to reduce the chances of infection and took her temp a few times a day to ensure she could get antibiotics at the first sign of a fever. Everyone was amazed that she got past viability and was able to take her miracle home after a long NICU stay.
Hang in there - I'm sure it will be boring in the hospital, but they'll be able to keep a good close eye on you and the babies, and you'll all three get through this with flying colours, I'm sure. Best of luck!
PS. Thanks for your comment on my blog. It's sweet of you to take the time when you've got so much going on!

Sue said...

Wow! I am so glad that you (and I!) were wrong about the water breaking=labor within 24 hours! I am glad they are so on top of things and that you are in good hands. Just to ease your mind a little...a good friend of mine from years on the infertility boards just had her B/G twins on Friday....they were 31 weeks. They only needed a little oxygen. So, it is great if they stay in there...but you are getting to very safe territory!

Kris said...

I have goosebumps just reading your post. How scared you must be! I will hope and pray that your girls stay put for many more weeks to come and that hospital bedrest will go quick and easy for you. Thinking tons of positive thoughts for you! Keep us posted as I will be thinking of you tons!

R. said...

I am so sorry you have yet another hurdle to overcome. Like others have said, the hospital is a great place to be and you will be monitored so closely. I am thinking of you and hoping those babies stay put for a while longer.

Emily said...

Yikes!! I am thinking of you and your girls!!

prashant said...

You will be in my prayers!

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