Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Week Down

I'm still in the hospital and I am still pregnant.

I am officially past the 1 week mark and today post rupture and I learned some statistics that I am glad I didn't know before. My nurse was telling me that of the women who have ruptured membranes, 50% will go into labour within 24-48 hours of the rupture. Another 30% will go into labour within the first week. Only 20% make it past the 1 week mark and have a good chance of staying pregnant for a longer period. My prospects are looking good at this point and I will stay here as long as I possibly can so my girls can grow as much as possible.

I haven't seen my own OB yet but the doctors here that do daily care of the antenatal patients spoke with him about me and he very clearly conveyed that he would like me to stay pregnant for at least another 2 weeks. I am 32 weeks today and from what I was told, it sounds like 34 weeks is the minimum amount of time rather than the maximum. Of course, I need to speak with him directly, but it appears that if 34 weeks is the minimum, hopefully if everything stays status quo he will let me carry to 35 and maybe even 36 weeks. We shall see but everyone, cross your fingers for me.

Part of being in the hospital is the close monitoring they are doing. My vital signs are checked every four hours and includes a temperature check, blood pressure check and heart rate. My temperatures have always been normal but my blood pressure and heart rates are on the high side. My blood pressure was pretty high at 140/80 when I checked in but I put that down to stress. With a conscious effort to breathe deeply and do some meditation/hypnosis, I can sometimes bring my heart rate down to 120/80 if not lower. My heart rate though has remained stubbornly high at 120 bpm. Normal heart rates for women are between 60-90 bpm. Of course, I consulted with Dr. Google and there were several sites that said that for pregnant women, especially those carrying twins, 120 bpm was not uncommon so I am reassured. They ran an EKG yesterday and a CBC just to make sure there was no underlying infection and to my knowledge, everything has come back normal.

My two girls are also doing well and like to squirm around when they're trying to check their heart rates (also every 4 hours). Now that I have all sorts of time on my hands, I've noticed that little Lefty usually gets the hiccups every day but little Righty hasn't had the hiccups yet. Their movements are also changing - before, they had lots of room to move about in and I would feel a lot of quick pokes. Now, I feel movement more akin to entire limbs being dragged across my abdomen. I have yet to see the actual limb (some women say that they see hands and feet) but the movements are slower and my entire abdomen will shift so that I'm lopsided. It's kind of neat to watch!

Today a few of my friends trekked down to my house to give DH some help organizing and putting together the nursery. This was what was supposed to happen last week before the rupture and I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends who are willing to chip in and help out like this. The upstairs was in a state of disaster as 3 rooms are in a state of flux with the painting of the nursery. My DH moved a dresser into the nursery last night and was putting away the girls' laundry so the conversion from study to nursery has officially begun. I ordered some decor items from Lambs & Ivy which came in this week and I am excited to put the decals up and really make the nursery look girly girly.

We booked a doula this week and I even found someone to do maternity photos in the hospital so it has been productive - well, as much as it can be via telephone & internet. Other than that, I am trying to take advantage of this time and rest and really take it easy to give me the best shot of making it as close to term as possible. A very heartfelt thank you to everyone who has posted comments and offered support to me during this stressful time. It is truly appreciated and has kept me sane.


lastchanceivf said...

Those are scary stats and I'm glad you (and I!) didn't know them last week. But you DID IT! You made it past one week. I'm so happy for you!! Can you send me your address and also some suggestions on something you'd like to help you pass the time? Any hints at all?? :) :) :)

Kris said...

Woohoo for making it past the one week mark! Every day they are in your belly is a huge step in how healthy they are when they are born! You rock for keeping them in this week! :)

Please let me know if I can do anything for you while you are in the hospital. I know it can be boring:) And I was only on hospital bed rest for a week and was going stir crazy!

Kate said...

I'm so glad to hear they're doing well! I wonder if there's any difference in the stats for someone with a smaller leak like you vs someone who completely ruptures one of the sacs? Glad yours is of the relatively minor leak variety, leaving both babies with enough fluid. I'm sure it also decreases your chance of infection too.
Are you not going nuts from the vital signs checks every 4 yours? I think I'd go insane! Or else I'd be tracking and if I were up to pee, I'd call in my nurse to do the vitals then, rather than waking me up for them half an hour later. :)
Considering you're 32 weeks, your babies should be good to go if necessary, but I hope you'll get another 2-3 good weeks out of the pregnancy before they arrive.
Hope you'll post your maternity pics when you get them done!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! I'm so happy that it was rather "uneventful". It also sounds like your OB is optimistic (but that man/woman needs to stop by!!! I can't believe that you have not seen your own OB yet.) Back in the day I would honestly be "jealous" of you... I'd say "twins and at 32 weeks?! that's awesome!" My friend had triplets at 32 weeks (we met in our wheelchairs at the Peris office - ha!) and I felt like such a loser compared to her that I could only get a singleton to 31! Plus you have girls -they tend to do better with prematurity than boys (they call it "wimpy white boy syndrome" in the NICU - isn't that horrible? I said, "well hey, my son is half Asian" and they said, "nah, that doesn't count":))

Keep up the great work!


Lost in Space said...

Just catching up and Wow! I am so sorry to see this, but at the same time so happy that you are on the right side of statistics so far. I can't pretend to know all the fears and worries you're facing right now, but am here to cheer you on just the same.

Stay put, baby girls!! You'll have plenty of time to worry your mama in the years to come. (-;

Meant to be a mom said...

I'm so glad you all made it another week. YAY! I hope they are able to stay in for a while like you said just so they can be that much more ready to come out. My prayers are with you and the girls.

Oh and your friends are so sweet to help out when you need it. Its good to be surrounded by people who care :)

Sue said...

You did it! And, you are doing great! It isn't easy to be in the hospital so long and I know it is scary, but you are really doing amazing!

Glad to hear you are looking into a photographer who can come to the hospital. I don't know...but after all we've been through, it was just so important to me to document this time. I hope you get some great pics!

Jill M. said...

I've got everything crossed for you here in Tennessee!!! Good job on beating all the statistics!

prashant said...

I was only on hospital bed rest for a week and was going stir crazy!

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