Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back to the Hospital

It's Thursday and 4 days after I first started spotting.

It hasn't stopped.

After a quick consult with the nurse at my doctor's office on the phone, we decided to trek back downtown and have it looked at again. I've been resting and trying my best to do "modified rest" but the spotting has continued. Granted, it is still dark brown in colour so it isn't bright red, profuse or anything like that. I still don't have any other symptoms of pre-term labour (thank goodness) but I honestly thought it would have stopped by now.

Once I got to the hospital, they strapped on the fetal heart monitors and little Lefty and Righty were moving around like crazy, trying to reassure Mom and Dad that things were okay. They did another internal exam and concluded that the bleeding was still coming from inside the uterus rather than the cervix itself but they weren't concerned because of the colour and the lack of other pre-term labour symptoms.

We were sent home.

I still worry about making mountains out of molehills but after everything we've been through, I want to make sure that my babies stay inside for as long as possible to give them the best possible chance when they finally do arrive in this world. It did strike both my DH and I that the kids could arrive at any moment. That realization was a real eye opener. Time is getting short!

So I'm back at home on modified rest. I hope this spotting stops soon!


Lost in Space said...

Sorry for all the scares! Go as often as you need to and don't worry about making mountains out of molehills. You've come way too far!!

lastchanceivf said...

Listen up KJ body: stop all that spotting so she can get some peace of mind!! Seriously--I'm sorry for the repeated scares. You deserve some rest from that for sure. I hope it stops soon.

Sue said...

I think you are absolutely right to go to the hospital for the bleeding! I know you don't want to be a drama-queen but, seriously, after all we've been through, you have EVERY RIGHT to worry and have things checked out. On a good note, you are in a pretty safe zone if they are born early...and only 4 more weeks or so until you are really, really safe!!!! You are doing great. Hang in there...and get anything checked out that is scary. I hope the bleeding stops soon!

Jill M. said...

It is always better to be safe than sorry, especially with all you went through to get here. Don't worry one ounce about being over-cautious, these are 2 little human lives you are protecting. I'm so glad the spotting is on the light side and not red. You're doing great, keep up the good work mama!

Meant to be a mom said...

How scary, I'm praying for you guys. Stay in there safely please sweet babies.

I completely understand you worrying, Its your motherly wonderful kind caring heart that makes you do that.

Linda said...

(pg ment)

Oh how scared and worried it must've been for you! You shouldn't feel bad about being worried. You've been through so much and have come such a long way to get to this point, you have every right to be worried about everything. I know I was worried the whole entire pg. And in turn, I worried my OB. That's why I had weekly appointments with her and monthly appointments with my Perinatologist. Anyway...I'm so glad that your miracle babies are doing really well. Hope your spotting has stopped by now!

Kris said...

How scary! I sure hope that spotting stops soon. I am so glad you went and got it checked out. After everything you've been through peace of mind really is priceless:)

Alice said...

Hello there. I just came across your blog. I'm glad you final beat infertility and could be a mother anyday. It sounds like pregnancy has not been stress free...I guess you can't get any breaks.

Anyway, your history reminds me of my own (more so than anyone I've found)...except the part about being pregnant now. I have been battling unexplained infertility for almost 4 years now. And, was also diagnosed with very mild endometriosis. Anyway, I know you have a lot on your plate with your twinsies, but if there's any testing or thoughts you have for me, I'm all ears. My email is All the best!

Phoebe said...

I'm not reading many blogs right now, but I wanted to check in and see how you have been doing because you have been so supportive of me. I hope this is a non-event, the spotting. I'm glad you are getting it checked out. Bed rest sounds like a good plan. I'm hoping that will do the trick to calm things down. Hugs!

prashant said...

You deserve some rest from that for sure. I hope it stops soon.

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