Saturday, July 4, 2009

Transfer Day Details

I'm back but only for a quick 10 minutes as that is all my DH will allow me to sit at the computer for. Good thing I type pretty quickly!

First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to stop by and wish us well. I really felt all of your good wishes and positive energy and took that with us into the transfer room. I am so very lucky to have such support and from so many of you who have been in the trenches for as long as we have been. July 2009 marks the 7 year anniversary of the start of our IF journey and I am so grateful for the many of you that I have met along the way. Your support has been invaluable and has meant so much to me.

Transfer day was awesome - both embies thawed with a 100% survival rate (i.e. no cellular damage to either) and both re-expanded fully. I asked the embryologist if they regraded the embies and she said that they didn't but the two things they look at post thaw are the % of cells that survived and the re-expansion so both looked pretty good to them. So I got my wish - two microarray normal embies to transfer! YAY!

We tried to take a photo of the little computer screen but we had some technical difficulties and combined with nerves, we didn't actually get a shot of them. I'll try to describe them as best I can. The 4CB embie was almost fully hatched. It kind of looked like the number "8" in that it had the original outline of the egg and then there was a round mass right on top of it that was attached. The other one, the 2/3 was starting to hatch and had a little bump on the one side where you could see that it was starting to come out of the shell. So another YAY! Two hatching blasts!!!!! We are thrilled beyond words. We got our wish to have two normals to transfer that were hatching. We are so grateful.

Bed rest was awful. I watched so much TV yesterday that I made myself sick. Now let me tell you all that I am prone to motion sickness and that I have given myself "TV head" before by watching too much television so this is not something unusual. I was also getting pretty restless so I was watching from strange positions - slightly propped up, on my left side, curled up on my right side, get the picture. Of course, it doesn't help that my antenna is tuned to high so I'm wondering "is this pregnancy nausea?". This happened twice the afternoon and again at night. I also crashed really early the day of the transfer at 8pm (probably the Valium?) and again the next night at 9pm.

I so wish I had brought some HPT with me so I could start testing but I thought that Monday when I arrived home would be the earliest I would test as that would be 4dp5dt (4 days post 5 day transfer). So I have to wait although I am bouyed by the fact that many of you have gotten positive results on day 4 or day 5. No twinges to speak of.

Right now I'm so very thankful for everything as it has gone so well thus far. Oops! There is the 10 minute timer and I have to sign off now. More when I get home.



DAVs said...

WOWSERS!!! Two hatching blasts!! That is just awesome! I so hope this is it for you guy!

Sue said...

That is such GREAT news! I am so excited about your hatching blasts! Take it really really easy and don't test until earliest Monday!!! (I know, it is scary and I'm an addict too:-)).

Sue said...

by the way, your blasts sound like how mine looked at the transfer...and I am pregnant:-)

Sky said...

What wonderful news! I smell twins already! :)

I laughed at your description of bed rest and how awful it is 'cause, it is! That was my experience as well. Worse, I had no spouse or even a friend to pass the time chatting with. Ugh! I shudder the thought of ever having to do it again. Normally, I love lounging and sleep but when you're so restricted to certain positions and no more than a 35% elevation of the head - jeez!

If you test on Monday, definitely DO NOT be discouraged if it's negative. It's too super early to test. Yes, I got two lines on 4dp5dt BUT BUT BUT it was late in the day (the AM stick was snow white) and only my strongest reading glasses by the daylight shining through the window and after like fifteen minutes could I see the slightest hint of something I chose to believe was a line. Most women would have chucked it!

But I'm very very excited for you and know you're going to do just great!

Woo Hoo!

Phoebe said...

Wow, 100% cell survival - I've never heard of that. It must be the vitrification. My embies had 80% cell survival, but that was with the "old" freezing technique. So 100% cell survival with two hatching blasts is amazing news! Stay away from those pee sticks for awhile, if you can. They'll just make you crazy!

JJ said...

I was thrilled to read your post! So happy that everything went perfectly. Let DH spoil you rotten!

Jill M. said...

So good to finally hear your transfer story, I've been dying to know how it went. Wow, that is incredible news, both 100% re-expanded and hatching!!!! I know you must be over the moon! Gosh, aren't you so glad you made them keep the 4CB! I can't wait for you to post your BFP! 7 years is a long time coming.

elliej said...

Congratulations to you. Two hatching blasts - it doesn't get better than that!!

Meant to be a mom said...

wow two hatching blasts, That sounds great. I'm praying for you guys! It sounds good!!!

Kris said...

Congrats on a great transfer! Awesome, just awesome! And those blasts sounds absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Two hatching blasts! Wonderful!!! Hope it feels good to be home PUPO!!!


Emily said...

2 out of 2!!!! Hooray! Hatching blasts are so awesome, but you already know that! I am sooooo excited for you - everything crossed!

momsoon said...

Yewahhh!!! I have been quietly following you guys and am thrilled to hear things went sooo well...praying this is your time!!

ME! said...

YEAH!!I hope you are doing well- I have been outta touch b/c of MIL in for a visit. I am sending lots of good thoughts your way!!