Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've started to spot. This is a good thing (so my DH was quick to reassure me) because I usually spot right before I get AF. I noticed the spotting first thing this morning with my hyper sensory abilities (haha) and immediately freaked out, thinking that AF was going to arrive right then and there. I was all set to call the airlines and change my ticket etc. but then DH reminded me that I usually spot for at least a day before AF actually arrives. Let's hope this is the case and that AF will arrive tomorrow right on schedule. Just in case, I had my DH massage the acupoint right on top of my head which is supposed to delay AF. I don't know if it did anything but it made me feel better and made my headache go away a little.

I'm a nervous mess today. I don't know why - maybe it's because this cycle is it as I discussed in my previous post. I'm being so clingy to my DH...kind of like a barnacle to the side of a boat. Every time the poor guy turns around, I'm asking for a hug and he is always quick to squeeze me tight and rub my back. I also started baking to ease my nerves so at least, the house smells nice and I'll be leaving DH with a pile of treats to remember me by (gingerbread biscotti and almond biscotti along with oatmeal molasses bread - YUM gluten!).

Thank goodness for the Oscars tonight - something to distract me in the evening so I don't sit and brood. Last shot of Cetrotide was last night and I have continued taking the Estrace twice a day. I think once I get to Denver and get in for my suppression check (and pass) I'll be okay but until then, timing is tight and I'm watching everything like a hawk!


Sky said...

I also spot for a day before AF is truly on board, which always makes it interesting on when I'll finally call it: CD1.

Ahhh, yes, the Oscars. Right now, Barbara Wawa is doing her famous pre-show interviews so I'm watching CNN to see the dresses - which is my favorite part. And I'm a total tack-ball, I'm actually always looking forward to a confrontation between Angelina and Jennifer - which will NEVER EVER EVER happen, as they have publicists and show planners who would never allow that to happen. (What can I say, I like a little excitement!) ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope AF comes on time tomorrow night!! I am keep my fingers crossed for you. I am watching the Oscars right now and JA was just presenting..and of course they flashed right over to Angelina! How appropriate!

Kris said...

I always spot before AF too! I hope you have safe flight and that AF behaves herself and comes right on schedule.

Can you send me some of that biscotti?? Yummy, it sure sounds good!