Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 Honest Things About Myself

I've been tagged for the first time by MamaSoon to list 10 honest things about myself . Before I start, the rules are:

1) Choose at least 7 blogs you find brilliant in content or design.

2) Link to these blogs and leave them a comment that they were tagged! The image in this post is your official award!

3) List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

So, I'm tagging the following people:

1. Kris

2. Linda

3. Jill M.

4. Sky

5. Molly

6. Momsoon

7. JJ

I know some of you have already been tagged by others in our little blog circle but I can't come up with any more so you it again! And now, onto the fun stuff - the 10 honest things about myself...

1. My parents don't know we're doing IVF and they certainly don't know that I'm in Denver right now. It has been a very hard decision not to tell them but I fear the judgement that will come along with it. I know they love me and they want the best for me but my Mom has very strong views on natural remedies and natural healing and believes that everything can be done through diet and exercise. Through the stress of all the IF stuff, I don't want to be on pins and needles, wondering what she will say next, kind of like the potato comment from before. We've covered both our absences by telling them we're in Denver for a "series of meetings" for my DH's work and we do have friends that live north of Denver who we are visiting with but I hate the lying.

2. I am an accountant but I have always felt like it's something I pretend to know how to do. Yes, I do have three accounting degrees (a bachelors, a masters as well as the official Chartered Accountant's designation) but I always feel like I don't know enough. I know now why I like the Shopaholic book so much because the way she feels (in the book, not the movie) is exactly the way I feel, like someone is going to find out one day that I'm a lousy accountant and that it's all just make believe. I actually like bookkeeping more and I really shouldn't have gone on to get three degrees in Accounting...a little overkill eh? It's kind of like killing a fly with a giant anvil. You really only needed a fly swatter :)

3. I really want to make a career change to become a pastry chef and even have the school all picked out. However, I wonder if I will still love baking as much as I do if it becomes my job every day? Can you really love doing something so much that it is fun to do, 365 days a year?

4. I would love to host or work on a cooking show on Food Network. How much fun would that be?

5. I hate exercising but I will do it because I recognize the health benefits to keeping fit. I have the attention span of a gnat though and need to keep changing things up to keep myself motivated. Sometimes I run, sometimes I work out at the gym with a trainer, I swim, I love hot yoga (although the yoga studios around me cost a fortune -not a cheap way to exercise), I power walk the dog and sometimes, it's as easy as just giving the house a good old cleaning.

6. I worry about having enough to do CGH. We have never, ever, ever, gone to day 5 blast because I have never had more than three embies at day 3 so they just transfer everything back in. I wonder what the threshold will be, the magic number that we want so that we feel comfortable doing CGH. Say we get only three embies again - do we test the three? What if we end up with only one? The attrition rates are quite high to get to day 5 blast so I'm worried we won't make it that far.

7. I would continue to do IVF until we got a child if we had unlimited money but sadly, the money has run out and I don't want to be on hold any more.

8. I have really awful digestion sometimes and things as simple as too much fiber will set me off. Also, when I get nervous, I get the typical "fight or flight" response and for me, that translates into a run to an urgent run to the bathroom. I would never be able to participate in those reality shows like Amazing Race - Phil would yell the word go and instead of running to my car, I would run for the nearest bathroom!!

9. I have a weakness for reading historical romances. I love reading about Earls and Dukes, Duchesses and Ladies and yes, the plotlines are very simple and you know the two main characters are going to get together in the end but I just love the happy endings.

10. I love travelling but for the most part, my DH and I remember destinations more by what we ate and what food we saw. When we cruised a few years ago on Celebrity's Millenium, we deliberately chose the ship for the food (it is ranked #3 by Conde Naste and the rest of the Celebrity ships are in the top 10) and everything else pales in comparison. We will spend so much time pouring over travel books and visiting websites like Chow Hound to see where people have eaten and what is good local cuisine. We are real foodies :)


momsoon said...

Hey- thanks for the tag- just posted...

I totally get you not telling your parents. I don't feel you should give that a second thought. We have only told my mother (not G.'s family or any friends) about using R. as a surrogate because, frankly, we know they will have an opinion (and share it) and we don't give a crap anymore!!!

The way I look at it, this whole process is so 'unnatural' already, let alone hearing everybody's ideas about it along the way?!
If we were doing this the old fashioned way we would simply announce the happy news once we were ready- and that is one part of this process that we can do the old fashioned way!!!

Can't wait follow with you every step of this cycle. I know there are a lot of "what ifs", but you are in the best hands. Cheering those overies on from the motherland!!!! :)

R said...

I loved reading your weird but I was a professional baker and have recently gone back to school to become a bookkeeper. I loved my job as a baker but could not physically keep up with the job due to old injuries. I too have not told my parents what I'm doing (but my sister knows and she is behind me 100%)
You are in my prayers. Will be 'cheering' your overies on.

Sue said...

I totally understand not telling your family too - my mom and dad know but I don't tell my brother and was awkward today when he called my cell phone assuming I was still in NY. But, my mom is a pain about all of this stuff, she just doesn't get it and still insists there is nothing wrong with me (ha).

BTW, I love the food network and chowhound and DH and picked our honeymoon place based on food reviews too:-)

I'm sorry we didn't get to meet up here. I was going to call you today after my appt but I've been so stressed and so not myself that me and DH are hiding out a bit. Hopefully, we will meet up in May when we are transferring a couple of beautiful cgh normal blasts!!!

Oh, and did you see confessions of a shopaholic? I've avoided it lately b/c it looks so different from the books Im afraid I'll be annoyed.

DAVs said...

I'm sorry you have to keep stuff under wraps, but honestly, if we did another cycle we'd keep it quiet too. No one would understand our need for trying again, after we blathered on and on about how our CCRM cycle was our 'closure' cycle. But I'm sure it's hard not to share.

And I'd totally be a pastry chef, too! You should go for it!

Anonymous said...

So glad someone else likes romance novels with duchesses and dukes ;) Been thinking of you this week K and asked my DH to be praying too. This is the time for you.

Don't worry about the gets so hard when too many people know these things (I've certainly felt that end of the spectrum) and we all put enough stress on ourselves without others helping in that regard.

positive thoughts :)

Emily said...

Interesting facts! I often felt like I was an imposter while I was teaching, so I can totally relate. Wishing you all the best with this cycle @ CCRM!

Anonymous said...

I definitely want to chat about your celebrity cruise experience. We are going on the solstice in april. I also heard that line is known for their food :) I completely understand #8...I have similiar issues with my colitis. It sucks. Have you ever tried probiotics? That helps bigtime with digestion issues! Thank you for sharing. Wishing you the best!!!!