Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 5 Report

I spoke with John, the head of the embryology lab today as I had asked them to call us with any news or results since waiting until Day 6 without any news would be excruciating.

The short version - nothing was biopsied today.

The long version - there are three early blasts that they can't yet biopsy but that will likely make it to biopsy. From my understanding of the biopsy procedure, they actually made a small hole in the zona pellicuda on day 3. When the embryo grows to the blastocyst on day 5, the biopsy is done on trophectoderm cells that protrude out of that little hole. They don't perform the biopsy until there are cells protruding out of that little hole. In addition to the 3 early blasts, there are two embryos that are at the morula stage, the stage right before blastocyst. John said that those embryos are still doing what they should be doing so those 5 are still in the running (the three early blasts and the two morulas). The two eggs that were ICSI'd on day 2 plus one from the original 6 that fertilized don't look that great but they are still continuing to culture them and will check and see what they look like tomorrow. John said that he was hopeful for 2-3 making it to biopsy but we have put our order in to the powers that be for all 5 to make it to blast biopsy. Please, oh please!!!!

Of course, each day brings new things to worry about so I'm worried that since there was nothing to biopsy, that's not a good sign. After all, they don't call it day 5 biopsy for nothing! Is the fact that they haven't developed out to that stage mean that they aren't as strong or that they aren't going to make it?? Has anyone had their embies take longer than 5 days to go to blast? Logical me is quick to remind myself that CCRM did tell us during the genetic counselling session that sometimes it can take up to 6 days to develop to blast so it is normal but I do wonder...

Come on kids! Keep growing! Go to blast!! Hang in there!!



Soko's Journey to Parenthood said...

Wow, sounds like you have lots going on over there. I hope all continues to go well and just try to keep thinking as positive as you can and find things to keep you busy. ha ha ha., I know easier said than done.

I will keep you in our prayers and hope to hear good news soon. Baby Dust sent your way :)


Anonymous said...

Yes Yes Yes! My embroyos were frozen on day 6 with 2 of my cycles. Thats when they made it to blast. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Thanks for the diet information. Hang in there hun. I know this is the hardest part. Sending you a giant HUG!

DAVs said...

I think I've heard of CCRM definitely biopsying embies on day 6. So try no to worry. I know it's hard, but you've done EVERYTHING you could. Big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your "Fabulous Five", I'll be crossing my fingers! FYI...I had 4 on day 5 and 2 on day 6 biopsied. The 3 "best" visually graded were day 5's and abnormal - one of the day 6 was a 4AA (no result). I asked about the day 5 vs. day 6 and they said that day 6 can still make very good embryos. Hang in there! Thinking of you!


Sky said...

You look like you're doing great. You'll probably be transferring at the same time as me! :)

momsoon said...

I know how nerve-racking these days are but it sounds like you've got some strong little ones growing and from Fashionably IF & Davs (I often hear of day6 blasts) experiece I think you guys are doing awesome!!!
I am sending you a big prayer for tomorrow-let us know... xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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Jill M. said...

Grow embies grow!!!! 5 so far is good, I hope all 5 make it to biopsy. Hugs

Emily said...

I have no words of wisdom for you, just hoping and praying for all the best!! C'mon embies!!!

Josée Martens said...

Wow! I am hoping for you to have 5 to biopsy too! Congratulations on making this far. When will you hear again? Tomorrow? Wishing you all the good news in the world. My embies from tonight will say hi and check in on yours. :)