Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Idea What is Going On

I've been having some tenderness in my lower right side for the past few days and it is really starting to worry me. The possibilities are threefold:

1. Ectopic Pregnancy
2. Appendicitis
3. Ovarian Cyst

I've taken two pregnancy tests, the latest one being yesterday, that have both come back negative. That doesn't mean that I can rule out ectopic yet though because these tests are only sensitive to HCG levels (pregnancy hormone) at 25 mIU or higher. It is possible to have levels <25 mIU (my first chemical pregnancy was at a level of 16 mIU). They list other symptoms as dizziness or vomiting, neither of which I am experiencing.

As for appendicitis, I am not experiencing any excruciating pain, just some tenderness when I press down on the area. Symptoms of appendicitis are also vomiting, fever and loss of appetite and I have none of those. This has been going on for a few days so I think that if this is what it actually was, it would have progressed to being more severe than it is.

So, that leaves me with an ovarian cyst. I had a huge one a long time ago when I was in University and they thought it was the same thing - appendicitis or cyst. I remember being tired (which I am - haven't been able to get out of bed easily these last few days and I've been napping, which is very unusual for me) and then having a lot of pain on my right side that went away on its own a few days later. I was wondering if this was the same cyst that was there from the cancelled cycle and it's not - the cyst from the cycle was on the left hand side and this is definite tenderness around the right ovary. The right ovary was the one with more follies so maybe one of those turned into a cyst.

I made an appointment with my family doctor today just to have it checked out...didn't bother calling CCRM yet b/c they would have just told me to go see my doctor or to go to emergency. I suspect that I will be sent to have an ovarian u/s and maybe some bloodwork. We'll see what they say. All I'm thinking though is that I hope this doesn't delay my cycle even further.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

DAVs said...

Good luck, I hope it's nothing serious!