I went into my first ultrasound with a sense of anticipation - what was going on down there? The first and second day that I started the stim shots, I felt a fullness in my ovaries that I typically don't feel until later on in the cycle, usually towards the end. However, I did have this feeling early on but it disappeared yesterday. Anyway, things are where they usually are and she measured off about 8 follies although they ranged in size from 9mm to 3mm. Here is the info with comparatives to my prior cycles:
This cycle: Left ovary - 9mm, 6mm, 4mm, 3mm; Right ovary - 8mm, 7mm, 6mm, 6mm, 5mm
Last cycle (cancelled): Left ovary - 12.4mm, 3.7mm, 3mm; Right ovary - 8.5mm, 7.3mm, 7mm, 5mm
Last cycle in Canada: Left Ovary - 8mm, 3mm; Right ovary - 9mm, 8mm, 8mm, 7 mm, 6mm, 5mm
So, I'm tracking about the same as my last cycle in Canada. I was hoping that the Estrogen priming that we did was going to make a big difference but it doesn't look that way. Also, it is interesting to note that my last cycle in Canada had me on 600 units a day of stim meds whereas my daily dose here has been 450 units with no noticeable difference. I am hoping that things will continue to grow in a more even fashion and that more will come along. The u/s tech did say that there were a bunch of small ones that she could see that she didn't bother measuring because they were <1mm. Maybe we can get some of those to come along too. We'll see!
Side note - for those of you who don't speak IVF, a mature follicle is usually around 20mm in size so there is a little ways to go for me yet.
The nurse just called me and my hormones are as follows for today (day 3 of stims)
My estrogen was waaay higher in my last two cycles at this point (350-450) so this is indicating to me that things are progressing along slower than they did in the past, which is not necessarily a bad thing since I always have quite a few immature eggs. I'm on the same max dosage until Monday when I go in for my next check. We'll see how things are coming along then. I keep repeating to myself that it doesn't matter how many, we want better quality ones than before but it's hard not to play the numbers game. Thank you to everyone with your well wishes. Your comments made me smile today :) so thank you for that!
P.S. L - I have copies of all of my medical records and I asked the nurse this morning if I could write down all of the sizes. On Monday, I will actually see my own nurse for the first time and I will ask her if I can get a photocopy of the actual monitoring sheet so I will fill it out myself as we go along. I would never be able to remember all of those details in this poor, hormonal brain of mine!!
For Good
13 years ago